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Post Bariatric Arm Lift

A post-bariatric arm lift is an operation to correct the sagging and stretch marks on the skin which lost its elasticity and enlarged due to excessive weight loss. It is about tightening the muscles and removing the excess skin on the arms. A post-bariatric arm lift, a low-risk procedure, can improve the deformities and enhance the arm appearance, also boosting patients’ confidence. 

Who is A Good Candidate for Post Bariatric Arm Lift?

Good candidates for post-bariatric arm lifts are those who underwent bariatric surgery and have sagging and stretch mark problems on their arms. However, to perform the arm lift for deformities, patients must stabilize their weight first, if within 3-6 months, patients maintained their weight, the operation can be planned.

Why Do I Need An Arm Lift?

The necessity of the arm lift is related to the sagging and deformities caused by excessive and rapid weight loss which affects the thighs and arms mostly. Since arms are bodies most prominent parts, any deformity or change easily can be visible and cause discomfort for the patients. In such cases, an arm lift can provide a solution to the problem

Is There An Age Limitation For Post Bariatric Arm Lift?

The age limit for post-bariatric arm lifts is 18. Men or women over 18 years of age, if suitable for the operation, can undergo an arm lift after bariatric surgery. Under 18 patients, since their body is still in the developing phase, an arm lift is not preferred. However, after a certain age, sagging and weakened arms due to aging cannot be corrected with arm lifts or cannot provide long-lasting results. Therefore, the age limit for the best results can be considered as the middle age group with sagging issues. 

What is the Procedure Before The Arm Lift?

Processes before the operation are as follows:

  • Patients must be tested for anesthesia allergy for the operation to be performed under anesthesia.
  • Patients who have smoking and drinking habits must quit 2 weeks before the surgery
  • Patients must refrain from antibiotics for a certain period before the surgery
  • Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and chronic diseases are checked and the doctor decides whether to perform the operations accordingly.
  • Patients are informed about the before, during, and after the surgery procedures.

What is The Procedure Like?

Arm Lift surgery is preferred to be the last operation among post-bariatric surgeries. First patients must stabilize their weight and complete a weight loss period, after the body gains its new shape, an arm lift can be performed. An arm lift can be combined with an abdominal lift, back lift, and leg lift procedures. A parallel incision to the arm is made to remove the excess skin, parallel incisions are advised to prevent long-term complications that may occur if the excess skin is collected on the armpit to tighten the area.

An arm lift is mostly operated under general anesthesia, depending on the amount of excess fat on the arm, doctors may combine liposuction with the surgery. Lifting progress is completed in about 1 hour. If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, patients must be kept under supervision for the first day after the surgery, however, if local anesthesia is preferred, patients can be discharged on the same day.

Does It Cause Pain Afterward?

Pain and aching after post-bariatric arm lift is not intense or agonizing. Patients may experience slight aching after the anesthesia wears off. However, as a rare case, if the patient feels intense pain after post-bariatric arm lift surgery, prescribed painkillers can be taken to relieve the symptoms. 

Does Post Bariatric Arm Lift Leave Scar?

The scars are on the inner side of the arm, from the armpit reaching to the elbow. Scars seem like a red line for the first 6 months after the surgery, however, they fade over time, and if not observed closely, they cannot be seen easily. Although it is related to the patient’s conditions, in 6 months to 1 year scars may become less visible or may disappear. If scars remain, patients can undergo scar revision treatments.

What is The Recovery Like?

The recovery takes about 10 days. Patients must be watched for 1-2 days after the surgery. It is enough to wait an average of 10 days to return to their daily routines

What is the must-know information after a post-bariatric arm lift?

Following is the must-know information after the operation:

  • Patients must not remove the bandages for a few days after the surgery.
  • Patients can have shower 2-3 days after the surgery, however, this must be discussed with the doctor.
  • Preserving the ideal weight and balanced and healthy diet is important 
  • Drink at least 1.5 lt. Fluids during the day 
  • A special pressure corset must be used for about 2-3 weeks after the operation. 
  • Patients must avoid exercises especially heavy ones during 1 – 1.5 months following the surgery

What is The Difference Between Liposuction and Post Bariatric Arm Lift?

The difference between post-bariatric arm lift and liposuction is related to their methods; liposuction is a method to remove the excess fat, not the skin, and arm lift is an operation to remove both excess skin and fat. These methods can be combined in necessary cases to enhance the look and tighten the area for a fit appearance by first removing the fat tissue and then through the incisions removing the excess skin.

Is Non-Surgical Post Bariatric Arm Lifting Possible?

Nonsurgical post-bariatric arm lifting is not possible. Methods such as exercise or diet cannot provide a solution for the sagging problems caused by excessive weight changes. Stretch marks and loosened skin can only be corrected by a post-bariatric arm lift. However, there is no reason for the patients not to prefer the arm lift operation which is risk-free.

Forbest Clinic offers post-bariatric arm lift procedures to help patients achieve toned and contoured arms after significant weight loss. Our experienced surgeons specialize in body contouring techniques tailored to individual needs, delivering natural-looking results. Say goodbye to excess skin and embrace a more confident, streamlined appearance.

Ready to eliminate excess skin and achieve beautifully sculpted arms after weight loss? Schedule a consultation at Forbest Clinic to explore the benefits of a post-bariatric arm lift. Reclaim your confidence and enjoy the results of a more streamlined appearance. Contact us now to begin your transformation!

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