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P-shot is a PRP treatment for the penis also known as penile rejuvenating. PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, rich components of blood are used for sexual problems and enhancing male performance. With PRP treatment, the penis rejuvenates, and also penis size may be increased. PRP treatments use platelets collected from the blood so platelets are blood cells that help the blood to clog and repair the damages.

When Do I Need PRP Treatment?

Conditions require for PRP treatments are different for each patient and can be determined after a detailed examination. The aging process brings along sexual problems, and nerves, muscles, and veins slow down. Muscle tissues in the penis harden and this causes volume loss. PRP treatments can renew the muscle tissues and also can enhance the size of the penis. PRP can also be preferred for erectile dysfunction problems. Following are the other reasons for PRP treatments:

  • Pelvic surgeries
  • Sexual dysfunctions after chemotherapy
  • Peyronie’s disease  
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Dysfunctions after radiotherapy treatments 

What Is the P-shot Procedure Like?

The p-shot PRP treatment procedure is an easy and comfortable process. Blood is drawn from the patient and platelets are collected in the laboratory. Collected platelets are injected into the penis. The operation does not require an anesthesia procedure, however, numbing creams or solutions are applied to the treatment area. Most patients are advised to have 3 sessions with 2 weeks intervals, however, if needed, more sessions can be planned.

What Are The Important Things To Pay Attention to During The PRP Treatment?

The most important thing to pay attention to during PRP treatment is hygiene and also surgeons’ experience is important to have a comfortable and risk-free operation. The operation must be performed under professional clinic conditions with high-quality equipment. 

Is P-Shot All Natural?

PRP treatment is completely natural. Plasma collected from the patient’s blood is used for the treatment. However, the treatment effect is limited to the treatment area, unlike medication treatments. PRP injections do not harm or cause damage to any part of the body, however, certain medications are known to be harmless to the kidneys and liver. PRP does not contain cortisone. Recently a new formula with hyaluronic acid is developed which is mixing the collected plasma with hyaluronic acid.

Can PRP Treatment Provide Stem Cells?

PRP treatments do not necessarily contain stem cells. People most often consider that plasma must have stem cells inside, however, this is a misunderstanding. PRP contains a little number of stem cells which are generally found in muscles, fat tissues, bone marrow, and synovial fluid, even in these areas, stem cells are not in great numbers. PRP treatments are different from stem cell concentrations yet again containing a small number of stem cells does not decrease the efficiency of the PRP treatments.

Does P-Shot Affect Doping Test?

Doping tests are not negatively affected by p-shot or PRP treatments. PRP injections are not listed as EPO and are not considered doping by the National Olympic Committee and the anti-doping agency. Also, PRP injections do not contain any matter discharged with urine which can be detected in doping tests.

What Are The Important Things To Pay Attention After P-Shot?

Following are the important things to pay attention to after P-shot, and PRP treatments:

  • Ice compress is advised for the pain
  • Non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications must be avoided for they reduce the efficiency of PRP treatment
  • Patients should avoid heavy work-outs or exercises after the operation, simple and light exercises are considered harmless

How Many Sessions Does P-Shot Require?

The amount of sessions for PRP treatments is not clear, in some cases one session can be efficient enough however other cases may require 2-3 sessions. The amount of injections required entirely depends on the patient’s condition and the results of the operation.

Who Is NOT A Good Candidate For PRP Treatments?

Following are those who are not good candidates for PRP treatments:

  • Patients who continue cancer treatments
  • Cancer patients
  • Those who are on blood thinning medications
  • Those who have blood coagulation disorders
  • Patients who have blood disorders  

What Are The Advantages Of P-shot?

The biggest advantage of the P-shot is that there is no foreign matter in the injections, only the plasma collected from the patient’s blood. Following are the other advantages of PRP treatments:

  • Treatment does not cause allergies
  • It is a natural treatment
  • It does not require any surgical method
  • It is a pain-free operation
  • PRP treatments can achieve results that cannot be achieved with medications
  • Results are long-lasting

When Do The Effects Of P-Shot Become Apparent?

P-shot PRP treatment effects become apparent in about 3 months. Patients may need sessions more than once or other methods can be discussed as an additional treatment which can speed the effects to be visible in a shorter period. PRP treatment is performed with a very thin needle as an injection to the vein that is responsible for the erection. Including blood draw and plasma collection, the operation takes about 45 minutes. Patients do not feel pain or aching during the operation and can return to their daily routine almost immediately. Also, patients do not need to wait for sexual activities after p-shot PRP treatment.

Discover the benefits of P-Shot, a revolutionary procedure aimed to boost male sexual health and performance. Forbest Clinic utilizes advanced techniques to ensure natural, long-lasting effects. Contact us today to learn more and to schedule your consultation.

Ready to rejuvenate your vitality? Schedule a P-Shot consultation at Forbest Clinic today, and take the first step towards enhanced confidence and performance. Let us assist you in embracing a better quality of life.

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