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Thigh Lift

A thigh lift is a surgical operation that provides an enhanced look on the thighs. Excess skin and fat located on the inner and upper areas of the thighs are removed to tighten the area. In thigh lift surgery, incisions are made on the natural pubic line, and incision locations are decided by the doctor after a detailed examination. Weight changes, pregnancy, and aging are common causes for the droopy skin on the thighs. A thigh lift is mostly combined with liposuction. 

Who is a good Candidate for Thigh Lift?

Good candidates for thigh lifts are most women over 40 years of age. However, the same problem can be experienced also in younger ages who lose or gain weight constantly. Some skin types are inclined to droop. Patients prefer thigh lifts due to loosened skin or excessive fat storage in the area. Patients who had obesity treatment before may experience droopy skin due to fat tissue loss, in such cases skin can not tighten up itself and a thigh lift operation is needed. 

Is There An Age Limit For Thigh Lift?

There is no age limit for thigh lifts. Those who have stabilized weight loss, realistic expectations, and most importantly no medical conditions to prevent surgery can undergo thigh lift operations.

What are the Things To Avoid Before Thigh Lift?

Things to avoid before the surgery are as follows:

  • Refrain from aspirin and stop smoking 3 weeks before surgery
  • Refrain from any blood thinning medications or supplements 1 week before surgery
  • Refrain from anti-inflammatory medications. Some painkillers can be taken by discussing them with your doctors. 
  • Avoid using vitamin supplements containing Ginseng Ginko Biloba, CO-enzyme Q 
  • Avoid consuming herbal products such as linseed, cherry stalks, tomato seeds, and slimming supplements 7 days before surgery

If the patient has a cold or any other infectious condition, surgery must be postponed. 

What is The Procedure Like?

The thigh lift surgery procedure varies depending on the amount of skin the patient has. Operation is performed under general anesthesia, and its duration depends on the patient’s condition, however, it takes at most 2 hours. Patients can be discharged same day mostly, yet if there is another condition to consider, doctors may want to keep the patient supervised at the hospital. The surgery process is as follows:

  • Patients with less skin tissue: Horizontal incision is made on the inner thighs and excess skin is removed.
  • Patients with excessive skin tissue: Same procedure with less skin can not be performed for incisions may cause scars to reach down and deform the genitalia; for this reason, the incisions are made vertically to prevent this problem. When patients stand, this incision is not visible. Excess skin is removed by using lipo shaping.

Is Thigh Lift Painful?

There is no pain or aching during the surgery for a thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia. To prevent any damage, patients are advised to limit their movements.

What is Process After The Like?

The following are the things that should be careful about after the operation:

  • Stitches are bandaged for 2 days following the operation. Patients can have a shower after 2 days.
  • No stitch removal is needed, for they are underneath the skin.
  • Patients must avoid long walks or standing upright for long periods for 3 weeks
  • Patients can start with light exercises after 3 weeks but must avoid running
  • 6th week after the surgery, patients can perform any physical activity 

What is Recovery Like After The Lift?

The recovery process is as follows:

  • Patients do not feel intense pain or aching after the surgery. However, in case of slight pain, painkillers prescribed by the doctor can be taken to relieve the pain.
  • In almost 1 week, patients can return to their daily life.
  • Slight bruises and swelling are both considered normal after the surgery and they disappear in a couple of weeks. 

What are the possible complications after the surgery?

Possible complications after thigh lift surgery are as follows:

  • Due to its horizontal or vertical incision shape, stitches may reopen and cause wounds.
  • Due to the incisions’ positions, they may contact with urine, and complications such as delayed wound healing or reopening may occur
  • Swelling on the legs may take longer to disappear
  • Deformities on vagina. As a result of the patient stretching her legs, the incision may cause vaginal lips to open out.

Does Thigh Lift Leave A Scar?

Scars after thigh lift is a situation patients must be well informed about before the operation. A thigh Lift operation leaves a surgical scar that starts fading after 6 months. However scars do not disappear completely, if patients feel uncomfortable about it, they may consider hiding it with a tattoo.

Is Thigh Lift Permanent? 

The operations permanency depends on the patients; however, in any case, the area does not go back to its pre-surgery appearance, only there may be slight deformities such as loosening if patients experience excessive and constant weight changes. To preserve the results of thigh lifts, patients must watch their weight, exercise regularly and follow their skincare routine.

Is a Non-Surgical Thigh Lift Possible?

A nonsurgical thigh lift is possible with methods like lipo shaping, lymph drainage, and radio frequency. Besides, regular exercise, preserving ideal weight can improve thigh appearance. However, nonsurgical operations or methods cannot provide the desired result alone. Specially lipo shaping may increase sagging because even with young and tight skin, its usage is limited. A thigh lift, if combined with lipo shaping and radio frequency treatments, reduces the waviness risk and tightens the skin.

Embrace the confidence that comes with well-contoured thighs. At Forbest Clinic, our Thigh Lift procedure effectively addresses excess skin and fat, revealing sleeker, more toned legs.

Ready for a transformation? Contact Forbest Clinic and let our experienced team guide you toward achieving your body goals.

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