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Ptosis Repair Surgery

Ptosis repair surgery is a method to restore the deformities on the eyelids. In droopy eyelids cases, ptosis repair surgery can transform the eyelid back. If the eyelid drops on the iris are more than 1-2 mm which is the natural size, the situation becomes disadvantageous for the patient’s health and appearance and needs to be corrected with a Ptosis repair operation. 

Ptosis is a situation mostly seen in advanced ages however due to genetic factors, younger patients may also have it. Although it is a condition that is mostly seen on the upper eyelid, it is also a very common case.

Ptosis procedures are surgical operations, since they can be performed under local anesthesia for adult patients, it is possible to undergo the operation right after the examination. It is important to diagnose it early to prevent further visual disturbances.

What Causes Ptosis?

The most known factor among the causes of ptosis is aging. Due to the aging process, the eyelid may fall off as a result of loosening or sagging of the skin. Regardless of age, patients may have ptosis problems due to genetic factors that cause weak muscles in the eyelids for every age group. 

There are different eye diseases among the causes of ptosis. Ptosis can be caused by untreated amblyopia or after cataract operations. Therefore, after the treatment for eye diseases, depending on the complications patients must see a specialist.

What Are The Symptoms Of Ptosis?

Ptosis symptoms depend on the patient, however, can be listed as follows:

  • Droopy eyelids, which may also cause difficulty in vision
  • If eyelids do not look droopy, or it’s hard to notice, to relieve the symptoms eyebrows may be lifted
  • Vision difficulties caused by ptosis may cause eyes to get tired easily.

These symptoms are similar for both adults and children, however, their degrees may be different. Although lower-degree problems can not be noticed easily, doctors can diagnose them easily. 

How To Notice Ptosis In Children?

Noticing ptosis in children depends on the appearance and the children’s complaints. In some cases, ptosis is congenital and easy to notice and can be diagnosed easily. It is important to notice ptosis in children in the early phases to prevent damage to the development of the vision. 

It may cause discomfort for the child by preventing the eye from receiving light. However, after the diagnosis, ptosis can be restored quickly by glasses or aesthetic operations to support eye and vision development in children.

What Is Ptosis Treatment Like?

Ptosis treatment requires a correct diagnosis by examinations or detailed consultations. After the diagnosis, treatment is performed as a surgical operation. Local anesthesia is suitable for adult patients but for children, the operation must be performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made on the eyelid to reach the muscles behind. By restoring the deformities on the muscles, another cosmetic procedure is not necessary, if muscles are not restored, the eyelid may be lifted back. 

Ptosis operation can be completed in 1 hour. Since it is performed under local anesthesia, patients can be discharged after the operation. However, the eye must be protected from the sunlight for some time after the operation. Once stitches are removed 10 days after the surgery, patients feel better and easily return to their daily routine. 

What Are The Important Things To Pay Attention to After Ptosis Surgery?

Important things to pay attention to after ptosis surgery include doctors’ advice are as follows:

  • Swelling and bruises around the eye are considered normal and disappear in a week, gels prescribed by the doctor are enough to help with the complications.
  • An eyepatch must be used for a period that is determined by the doctor. 
  • Patients are advised to rest their eyes after the operation and no other treatment is needed. 
  • Eye drops and creams may be prescribed by the doctors. By using these medications regularly, stitches are removed in 10 days.

What Is Ptosis Treatment For Children Like?

Ptosis treatment in children, if diagnosed early, can provide very efficient results. A late diagnosis may lead to different methods to treat ptosis. Local anesthesia is not preferred for children for they may be very active during the operation. General anesthesia in children’s ptosis operations ensures a more successful procedure. To restore the eyelids, the difference between eyelids must be a maximum of 1 mm, for this reason, both eyelids may need to be operated. 

Supporting the muscles behind the eyelids is the first treatment for children. However, since muscles are not strong enough, treatment may progress with a cosmetic procedure to have permanent results. In some cases, to restore the weak muscles that cannot provide enough support, the operation may need to be revised. Therefore, routine controls must be followed and doctors must be visited yearly. 

After the operation for children, they may need to stay at the hospital during the period that they need to wear the eyepatch. The next day after removing the eyepatch, they can return to their daily routine.

What Are The Diagnosis and Examination Methods For Ptosis?

Diagnosis and examination methods for ptosis are physical eye examinations conducted by the doctor. Since it is a deformity on the external structure of the eye, it is easy to notice and diagnose during physical examination. After the physical examination, the doctor may request medical imaging to see the conditions of the eye muscles. The diagnoses of the ptosis supported by the conditions of the eye muscles can determine the operation procedure plan. In cases with active and healthy muscles, simple procedures can correct the problem, however, if muscles are weak, a cosmetic surgery operation is preferred.

Revitalize your look with Ptosis Repair Surgery at Forbest Clinic. Our distinguished team of surgeons specializes in carefully restoring eyelid position, improving vision, and rejuvenating your appearance.

Ready to greet the world with bright, alert eyes? Schedule your personalized consultation with our top-tier team at Forbest Clinic today.

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