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Breast Implant Revision

Breast implant revision is an operation performed to correct breast deformities and relieve discomfort caused by implants. The most common implants nowadays are silicones. Under normal circumstances, their life span is considerably long due to technological improvements. High-quality and newest breast implants can even last for a lifetime.

However, in specific cases breast implant revision is required, over time breast implants may feel smaller or larger and cause discomfort to the patient. After a personal evaluation, patients see a specialist to be thoroughly examined and to discuss their condition and if necessary, the operation is planned. 

Why Do I Need Breast Implant Revision?

The reason for breast implant revision can be caused by many different conditions. Understanding the situation helps to make the implant revision decision. The following are the reasons for the the revision: 

  • Far Apart Implants: Main reason for this problem is that the implants are placed far apart. Too small implants are another reason. This problem arises when breast size measurement is not properly done before the operation. However, it can be easily corrected. 
  • Different-Sized Implants: Different-sized implants cause breast asymmetry. Under normal circumstances, a little amount of asymmetry is considered normal. However, if it is caused by implants, revision operations can correct the problem. 
  • Oversized Implants: If patients feel the size of the implants is too large for them, they may want to reduce their size. It is a very easy operation if there is no excessive sagging problem. Removing the implants makes it difficult to reshape the breast later, it is advised to replace them with smaller implants.
  • Mini Implants: The patient needs to have correct size implants that can tune with their chest. It is not advised to have very small, mini implants to avoid a fake look because they cause a separated-looking breast and not achieving the expected results. It can be revised by replacing them with more natural-looking implants.
  • Capsule Contracture: It is a condition caused by saline implants when implants rupture or are placed on a muscle. It is a problem characterized by tightness and stiffness in the breasts. It requires immediate action by consulting a specialist.

Who is A Good Candidate for Breast Implant Revision?

Candidate for breast implant revision must be having a problem with implants. It is possible for patients to feel unhappy with their implants after a while. There may be some problems creating discomfort in their daily life. The revision can be performed due to the patient’s needs, expectations, and will. 

Women who are not satisfied with breast implants or who have problems due to previous incorrect operations can undergo breast implant revision. Detailed examination by the doctor determines if the patient is suitable for the operation. Anyone who has discomfort caused by implants and who is in overall good health can have a breast implant replacement operation.

What is Breast Implant Revision Procedure Like?

Breast implant revision procedures may differ due to the needs of patients. All detailed information is provided by the doctor. The implant revision procedure must be performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the operation it may take 1.5 to 2 hours. Different methods can be used for different problems. The most common breast implant revision operations are as follows 

  • Implant Replacement: Implant replacement is the most common silicon breast implant operation. The incision is made through the previous surgery scar and old implants are removed. Depending on the desired result, a smaller or larger implant is placed. In some cases, doctors’ supervision may be necessary so the patient may stay at the hospital after the operation. Generally, it is easier than the first-time implant placing surgery. 
  • Submuscular Implant Replacement: It is performed mostly after the capsule contracture problem by replacing the implants under the muscle. A new breast implant is placed in the pocket prepared under the muscle. It requires drain usage and patients may need to be under supervision at the hospital for a day. Details of the operation may differ for each patient.
  • Breast Lifting with Implants: Women may experience sagging problems after pregnancy and breastfeeding. In such cases, breast lifting and implant placement can be combined to provide the desired breast shape.

After undergoing operations at a very young age, deformities due to aging are possible. Upward and downward movement can also cause some aesthetic problems. In some cases, considering the patient’s request or conditions, implants may be removed completely. Planning the operation depends on the current implant conditions and general expectations.

What is Breast Implant Revision Recovery Like?

Process after breast implant revision is not difficult as it is in breast augmentation operations, it is often easier for patients already underwent a similar operation. Supervision at the hospital may be necessary after the operation but the period depends on the patient and the conditions.

The process after the operation is related to the complaints that lead the patient to surgery. Capsule contracture problems may cause difficulties more than other revision operations. Patients are well informed by doctors about the process and things they should pay attention to during the recovery. 

Does Recovery After Breast Implant Revision Take Long?

Breast implant revision recovery does not take too long. After 3-4 days patients can go back to their daily routine. It is important to avoid heavy and tiring activities during this process. Capsule contracture problems may cause a longer recovery period. Painkillers can be used to relieve the pain after the operation.

In breast implant revisions, there is mostly no risk for a new/second scar. Because the revision incisions are mostly made on the previous incision line. However, if the breast lifting operation is combined, it requires a different incision which will cause a new scar. The most accurate information and operations details are explained by the doctor before the operation.

What Are The Risks Of Breast Implant Revision?

Breast implant revision risks may be developed in several different ways. Silicone breast implants may rupture and show no symptoms. Rupture as a rare case, can be diagnosed by MRI. Capsule contracture is the most common problem caused by rejecting the material placed.  

Since patients had breast implant placement surgery before, there is no extra risk for them. Any risks a breast implant has can also be expected in implant revisions.

Breast implant revisions should be performed by experienced doctors to have the best and most lasting results.

How much does Breast Implant Revision Cost?

Breast implant revision prices may increase or decrease depending on the patient’s needs. In some cases, additional operations such as capsule removal or reshaping breasts may be performed besides breast implant revisions. By combining multiple operations, it is ensured to have the best results. After a detailed examination by the doctor, depending on the operations to perform, breast implant revision prices can be determined.

Revitalize your look with Breast Implant Revision at Forbest Clinic in Istanbul. Our team of highly qualified surgeons is committed to refining and perfecting your aesthetic, ensuring your implants match your evolving style and body shape.

Ready to perfect your aesthetic? Schedule a consultation with our Breast Implant Revision experts today. Start your journey to a beautifully refreshed and perfectly aligned silhouette. Your transformation is just an appointment away!

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