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Gastric Balloon

Gastric Balloon or Gastric Botox?

The most preferable methods used in obesity treatments are gastric balloons and gastric botox. Patients may feel indecisive about which one to go for. Many obese patients cannot lose weight at all or enough weight through diets and exercises. In such cases, these methods are considered to help them lose weight.

What Is Gastric Botox?

Gastric botox is a new method, performed as botox injections to the stomach to lose weight by limiting the muscle movements which leads to a longer-lasting fullness sensation, weight loss can be achieved.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Gastric Botox?

Anyone who wants to lose weight can be a good candidate for gastric botox. It is not a surgical procedure. However, there are certain conditions that patients must meet. It is a method for those who cannot lose weight, even after diets and long-term exercises. Patients whose BMI is over 40 and those who can achieve desired results with bariatric surgeries are not advised to undergo gastric botox procedures.

The ones with a BMI under 40, between 26 – 34, and who want to lose a maximum of 15 – 20 kg and cannot lose weight with exercises or diets, are good candidates for gastric botox. Patients who have ulcers or gastritis must be treated for these first and then can be suitable for gastric botox operation.

Does Gastric Botox Have Side Effects?

Botox operations are used for many different areas with many different techniques and have no side effects when professionally performed by surgeons or doctors. Botox, as a standard endoscopic procedure, has no recorded or known side effects. However, it is not suitable for those who have muscle diseases and are allergic to Botox.

Does Gastric Botox Help Losing Weight?

No method, including gastric botox, cannot ensure losing weight. It is not the correct way to approach Botox as a miraculous treatment. Gastric botox only can help and support the diet by reducing the patient’s appetite. After the gastric botox operation, if the patient keeps consuming carbs regularly in high amounts, gastric botox too should fail to help lose weight.

What Is Gastric Botox Procedure Like?

  • Gastric botox is not a bariatric surgery.
  • It is performed with endoscopes, through the mouth.,
  • There are no incisions or scars.
  • The operation takes about 20 minutes.
  • Gastric botox is performed under general anesthesia.
  • Patients must be kept under supervision at the hospital for 1 – 2 hours.
  • After gastric botox operation, patients lose appetite in about 7 days.

Does Gastric Botox Cause Permanent Damage In The Stomach?

All effects of medications are completely cleared in 3 – 6 months. Gastric botox does not cause any -permanent or temporary – damage to the stomach.

When Can I See The Results Of Gastric Botox?

After gastric botox operation, the feeling of hunger decreases in 2 – 4 days. 2 weeks after the operation, patients begin to lose weight. The aim is losing %10 – %15 of the body weight. Gastric botox is only for smooth muscles to limit their movement and contraction. It does not affect nerves or bowel movements and it does not cause bowel laziness. If patients experience lazy bowel syndrome, it can be treated with special diet programs after gastric botox operation.

What Is a Gastric Balloon?

The gastric balloon is a soft, expandable saline-filled silicone balloon placed in the stomach. It is big enough not to move through your bowels. A gastric balloon provides a longer-lasting fullness sensation leading to eating less. The gastric balloon helps to reduce portions, makes the patients full for longer periods, and helps losing weight.

What Is Gastric Ballon Procedure Like?

Gastric balloon operation is performed with the endoscopy method. The operation takes about 20 – 25 minutes. Doctors examine the stomach through endoscopes to see if there are any anomalies. If not, a soft, elastic, silicone balloon is placed in the stomach in a deflated state. Once it is placed, the gastric balloon is filled with saline. Then gastric ballon swims inside the stomach. To have a comfortable operation process it is performed under either sedation or short-term general anesthesia. Patients are discharged after 2 hours of supervision at the hospital.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Gastric Balloon?

The gastric balloon is a supportive method to diet. Overweight patients, whose BMI is over 24kg-m2, cannot lose weight with diets and exercises, and do not wish to undergo any surgical operation are good candidates for gastric balloons.

How Much Weight Can I Lose With Gastric Balloon?

Gastric balloon operation can help lose %10 -%15 of your body weight if it is supported by diets, exercises, and a healthy lifestyle. It is a simple procedure that does not require hospitalization. The operation takes about 15 – 25 minutes with endoscopic cameras.

What Are The Important Things To Pay Attention After Gastric Balloon?

  • Patients must avoid or limit fat and sugar intake.
  • Diets must be balanced with carbs and proteins.
  • Patients must avoid drinking beverages with meals.
  • The number of main courses in a day is 3 and this ratio should neither be exceeded nor reduced.
  • Avoid or limit caffeine intake.
  • Avoid all carbonated beverages.
  • Do not drink liquids with pipettes.
  • Alcoholic beverages must be avoided or limited.
  • Patients should take short – light paced walks for at least 30 minutes every day
  • Follow the appropriate exercise programs for at least 3 – 4 days a week.

Start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle with the Gastric Balloon procedure at Forbest Clinic, Istanbul. This non-surgical, reversible weight loss solution aids in reducing food intake, helping you achieve your weight loss goals more effectively.

Ready to regain control of your life? Schedule a consultation with our Gastric Balloon specialists at Forbest Clinic today. Your healthier, confident self is just a call away!

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