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No Osteotomy Rhinoplasty

No osteotomy rhinoplasty is the rhinoplasty operation performed to restore deformities without breaking the nasal bone. In no osteotomy rhinoplasty operations, the nasal bone is shaved down and repositioned. It is a more comfortable and advantageous operation compared to traditional operations, preferable for patients who do not want their nasal bone to be broken. No osteotomy rhinoplasty is also preferred to prevent any fractures, operation also can provide more control over the nasal bone and milli-metric incisions. Since it is preferred more to restore nasal humps, it can be named dorsal hump surgery. 

Is No Osteotomy Rhinoplasty Suitable For Every Patient?

Patients who can be treated by no osteotomy rhinoplasty are those whose dorsal hump thickness is less than nasal bone. There must not be a gap in the nasal bones because it may cause open roof deformity after the operation. For those who are not suitable for no osteotomy rhinoplasty, different techniques are preferred to create a more aesthetic nose. If the bone shaving technique cannot provide the desired results, to prevent deformations, nasal bones are pressed together and assembled to the upper bridge.

Why Do I Need No Osteotomy Rhinoplasty?

The reason for no osteotomy rhinoplasty is the situations where patients have a nasal hump or broken noses. To create a better form without breaking the nasal bone. It aims to restore the bridge and the nasal hump.

What Is The Process Before No Osteotomy Rhinoplasty Like?

Process before no osteotomy rhinoplasty is the planning of the operation. Patients are examined to analyze the nasal structure and deformities. Patients must explain their expectations clearly to achieve desired results. After internal and external nose analysis, by measuring facial features possible results can be obtained.

What Is No Osteotomy Rhinoplasty Procedure Like?

In no osteotomy rhinoplasty procedure, the video endoscopy technique is used. The operation can be performed under either general or local anesthesia depending on the patient’s request. It can be performed as open or closed. With 3D resolution and video endoscopy supported micro-motor method, the operation is successfully performed by imaging every part of the nasal structure clearly which also eliminates the necessity for cutting tools. After reshaping the nasal bone and hump, the roof is also restored. The shaving method provides a solution for the dorsal hump without using any surgical method. Instead of using splints, bone is supported by bandages. 

What Is The Recovery Like?

No osteotomy rhinoplasty recovery is shorter and more comfortable compared to traditional rhinoplasty. Although it depends on the patient, recovery takes about 2 – 3 weeks. Due to not breaking the procedure, patients experience fewer bruises under the eyes and over the face. In case of pain or aching, symptoms can be relieved by painkillers prescribed by the doctor. Also, a cold compress can be applied. Patients should pay attention to elevating their heads during the recovery and all else recommended by the doctor. If the procedure includes additional operations besides shaving, patients may be advised to use moisturizing creams, seawater sprays, or different solutions to relieve swelling and bruising symptoms.   

What Are The Important Things To Pay Attention to After No Osteotomy Rhinoplasty Operation?

Following are the important things to pay attention to after no osteotomy rhinoplasty operation:

  • Supportive bandages can be removed 7 days after the surgery. If splints are placed, they are removed 2 -3 after the surgery, until they are removed, patients inhale through their mouth.
  • Patients should inhale through their noses due to the supportive bandages. Therefore patients must drink plenty of water to moisturize their lips.  
  • Pomades, after splints and bandages are removed, must be applied gently, preferably with cotton buds.
  • It is recommended to consume soft easily chewable food
  • Patients should avoid blood thinning medications during recovery
  • It is not advised to bend or lift heavy objects for 15 days after the surgery
  • Patients should use a soft toothbrush to prevent any damage to the nasal area
  • It is important to elevate the head when sleeping at least 30 degree
  • Patients should avoid direct exposure to sunlight for a month
  • Swelling may last about 6 months, following doctors’ advice may minimize swelling complications
  • After 3 months, patients are mostly recovered. However final results and full recovery take 6 months to 1 year.
  • Glasses can be used 3 months after the surgery
  • Patients can return to their daily routine 7 – 10 days after the surgery.

What Are The Advantages Of No Osteotomy Rhinoplasty?

The advantages of no osteotomy rhinoplasty are as follows:

  • There is no fracture risk 
  • The operation takes less time compared to traditional rhinoplasty 
  • 3d imaging creates a big difference and improves the results
  • Easier to reshape the bone 
  • Fewer complication risks
  • The operation has a high success rate
  • Recovery is more comfortable with less pain or aching
  • No Osteotomy rhinoplasty can provide efficient results that can meet patients’ expectations.

Discover a natural-looking nose that suits your features with No Osteotomy Rhinoplasty at Forbest Clinic. Our expert surgeons employ advanced techniques to reshape your nose without breaking the bones, promising a less invasive procedure and quicker recovery time.

Don’t wait to begin your journey to facial harmony. Schedule your consultation with our skilled team at Forbest Clinic today, and embrace your transformed appearance with confidence.

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